defined Beirut
Wahlberg would have you believe that he got bored with the torch and left it lying around for N'Sync to pick up. Right. As if the torch didn't have to be pried from his rigored hands. 167 comment(s) / leave commentWhen I tell people that I spent my summer in Beirut, many give me a confused look. They often ask "That's an actual place" as they think of their favorite Thursday night drinking game, not knowing it is the capital of the small Middle Eastern country of Lebanon. Some give me a look of horror, thinking I spent a few months in the civil war torn city which defined Beirut in the 1970s and 80s. wholesale jerseys from china Real estate mogul and reality television star Trump secured the GOP mantle Tuesday night in a roll call vote that officially brought the outsider into the heart of American politics. The tallying of the votes was followed by a display of Trump two track persuasion effort: Testimonials vouching for his...